Queer and Light
Since I came out three years ago, I've been consuming a ton of entertainment of all sorts in the LGBTQ+ category. Books, movies, TV...
Blogs about writing, life, and all the other things that make their way through my brain.
Queer and Light
They Can Say and Do What in Young Adult Books?!?
Mid-Month Brain Drippings - March
Forgive Me, I Don't Know How This Will End...
Mid-Month Brain Drippings...
I Don't Know. You Might Check Your Connection...
We Crave Stories.
Choosing Creativity Despite Chaos
The Damn Shoulds and a Tank On Low
Take it to the Bank
Dream Come True
Who are the Six?
Pandemic Production
What's the book that got you?
Jump off that cliff!
What if they don't like my friends?
What's your ritual?
Well damn... I didn't see that coming